Volitional Bus, 2010

Volitional Bus, is a dual channel video and sound installation that uses documentation of two S.I.T.E: Screaming In The Everyday performances: one on a cliff's edge in the Blue Mountains (NSW) during extreme wind weather conditions, and the second on a median strip on Broadway, Sydney.
In each video the vocal performance is inaudible, having been replaced by a 40hz bass tone, while between each loop the screen falls black and solo vocalisations emanate from a speaker situated between the projections.
Videography: David Haines, Brent Grayburn.
Video edit: Kusum Normoyle
Sound design: Kusum Normoyle
Installation history:
Volitional Bus, ICAN: Institute of Contemporary Art Newtown (pictured)
Sound Full: Sound in Contemporary Australian and New Zealand Art, City Gallery, Wellington
Sound Full: Sound in Contemporary Australian and New Zealand Art, Dunedin Public Art Gallery