Solid (Loud) Matter / TarraWarra Biennial: From Will to Form, 2018

Solid (Loud) Matter, was a performance devised for Will to Form: Activated at the TarraWarra Museum of Art in 2018.
Set against the outer walls of the gallery, the artist projected her particular style of uncompromising, guttural vocal music - tuning audio feedback with her body she communes with the amplifier monolith - taking experimental music in the gallery context to new volumes.
This performance builds on Normoyle’s established practice, which disrupts the supposed quietude of the art gallery and investigates aesthetic and literal expressions of the voice and body through sound materials, noise making and their relationship to location and environment.
Will to Form: Activated, presented by TarraWarra Biennial 2018 in partnership with Melbourne International Arts Festival 2018.
Performance manager: Mikhaela Rodwell
Documentation: Hospital Hill
Images: Blue Fish Red Fish Photography This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body.